Move into the Flow of Emergence

Discover proven processes to set strategic direction and master time

Our Effectiveness as Leaders Depends on Being in the Flow

Discover how to create strategic alignment, expand space, and optimize time

“In times of turmoil, the danger lies not in the turmoil, but in
facing it with yesterday's logic." Peter Drucker, Business Strategist


Build Strategic Systemic Scaffolding

Advanced Vertical Leadership Development to a Synergist Mindset and Transforming Worldview, is intertwined with creating a more empowered expansive human-centric organization. By building the StageSHIFT Strategic Systemic Scaffolding, you open up the space for vertical growth so that you can be a Strategic Systemic Leader, and Business Unit Managers can take full accountability for operating outcomes. This Program shows you how to ignite your potential as a Visionary Inspiring Purposeful - VIP - Leader.

We Trust Emergence on the Way from Achievist to Synergist

As we lean into the collaborative collective systemic 4th Perspective at Catalyst, from the competitive individual linear 3rd Perspective at Achievist, we lean into emergence. We need to create the open space needed for mutual growth and team accountability. To mature as leaders with a Synergist Mindset, we set up the architecture that enables the organization and its people to evolve to embrace the new systemic collective of the wider business ecosystem. This complexity of mindset is the single largest driver to leading effective transformation.

The Learning Outcomes

  • Learn how to construct and refine a Visionary Purpose that opens up infinite avenues to cocreate a more sustainable, healthy, and equitable world.
  • How to distil and activate a powerful balanced set of shared Evolutionary Values to uplift people engagement and your organization's culture.
  • How to clarify your strategic focus in the larger business ecosystem with guiding strategic business principles and distributed collaborative leadership.
  • Learn how to implement a dynamic team feedback system without needing your intervention each step of the way to free your time for strategic issues.

  • Discover how to lead Key Strategic Innovation Cross-Boundary Initiatives to accelerate your development of a Catalyst Mindset and advance your career.

  • Apply research findings in neuroscience, wellbeing, and performance to merge with the flow of time allowing ideas and insights to emerge through you.

  • How to allocate your time and discipline your mind so that creative flow and collaborative innovation can flow through you like the sound of music playing.

  • Discover how to take authentic charge of your time in a systemic way so you can shift from being exhausted to feeling exhilarated at the end of each day.

  • Know how to design and lead meetings to actively engage, empower and stimulate the ability to problem-solve, inquire, and focus on priorities.

  • Learn how to choreograph your life over multiple time horizons while keeping your focus on the present trusting the natural flow of desired future outcomes.

The 12 Modules in StageSHIFT EXPAND SPACE are:


Introduction to the Program

Strategic Systemic Leadership arises from setting shared direction in visionary and purposeful ways while orchestrating time and focus to create an interconnected system.

  • Step back to appreciate Time through Vertical Perspectives 
  • Understand the power of neuroscience to optimize our use of time
  • Allow work to flow through time and create highways of the mind

You'll learn to set strategic aspirations with others and then orchestrate time to enable work to flow through us as instruments to optimize the mind with a Synergist Mindset.


Set a Visionary Purpose

Setting a Visionary Purpose integrates a Vision of the future world with Purposeful intent. It needs to be both aspirational and evolutionary to become open to future possibilities.

  • How conventional Visions and Purpose Statements put a ceiling on possibilities
  • The power of a shared Visionary Purpose to set up your unique GPS
  • How to harvest the CROP - Challenges, Resources, Opportunities and People

You’ll learn how to construct and refine a Visionary Purpose that opens up infinite avenues to cocreate a more sustainable, healthy, and equitable world in the future.


Set Evolutionary Values

Setting Evolutionary Values across a balanced set of Leadership Dimensions sets the scene for values-based standards and strategies to create a respectful psychologically safe workplace culture.

  • How cultural memes have a significant impact on People Engagement 
  • Articulate an advanced balanced set of Values to stimulate change
  • Design and implement Values-based Recognition and Culture strategies

You’ll learn how to engage others to distil and activate a powerful balanced set of shared Evolutionary Values for your people to uplift people engagement and your organizational culture.


Set Strategic Focus

It’s essential for everyone in your part of the organization to appreciate your signature strengths, brand promise, business growth opportunities, and strategic business mission each year.

  • The top priorities for CEOs in the rapidly changing VUCA world
  • How to develop intrinsic creativity with imagination and intuition
  • How to rate and rank the strategic options to set agreed priorities

You’ll learn how to clarify your strategic focus in the larger business ecosystem with guiding strategic business principles through the course of distributed collaborative leadership.


Team EQUIP Scorecards

Cascading Team EQUIP Scorecards set up the team’s accountability for a brief set of explicit outcomes while empowering them to make daily operational decisions to achieve targets.

  • How to transcend common activity-based Position Descriptions with Team Scorecards
  • Cover critical Efficiency, Quality, User, Income and People outcomes with EQUIP
  • How to set quantum shifts on lead indicators to generate leaps in performance

You’ll discover how you can implement a dynamic team feedback system without needing your managerial intervention each step of the way. This will free your time to address strategic issues.


Key Strategic Initiatives

Key Strategic Innovation Cross-Boundary Initiatives are the key to leading transformative change in the business model, industry, and organizational culture to co-create the future.

  • How Strategy and Innovation converge to ignite and uplift strategic direction
  • How design thinking, ideation, and prototyping speed up the process
  • How cross-boundary initiatives set up a network of key change leaders

You’ll learn how to lead Key Strategic Innovation Cross-Boundary Initiatives to accelerate your development of a Catalyst Mindset and propel your career forward.


Master Time & Energy

Time and energy are two of our most precious resources, especially as they’re both limited on a daily basis. Discover how to stop striving to meet urgent deadlines and start thriving in perfect timing.

  • Time seen through the lens of Stages in Vertical Development
  • How to harness the power of the will, brain, and mind to focus on important priorities
  • How to move into the emergent flow of creative collaborative productivity

Apply research findings in neuroscience, personal wellbeing, and business performance to merge with the flow of time allowing ideas and insights to emerge through you.


Value Creation Streams

Work is a constant overwhelming stream of activities, tasks, meetings, and reports. However, when we cluster our work into Value Creation Streams, we move into flow.

  • Learn how to release loose ends, multiple distractions, and diffused focus
  • Discover how best to cluster your work activities to form natural bundles
  • Realign activities across teams to address the top strategic priorities with ease

You’ll learn how to allocate your time and discipline your mind so that creative flow and collaborative innovation can flow through you like the sound of music playing.


Dynamic Operating Rhythm

By setting up an open systemic structure custom-designed to our role and responsibilities, you can orchestrate your time and double your level of creative productivity.

  • Create a streamlined architecture for your calendar of weekly meetings
  • Turn the days of the week into high-speed highways in the mind
  • Institute a set of essential operating norms to create enviable consistency

Instead of feeling overwhelmed and exhausted, discover how to take authentic charge of your time in a systemic way so you can shift from to feeling exhilarated at the end of each day.


Liberating Meeting Agendas

Most conventional meetings are used for reporting and resolving issues, planning and resetting priorities. They don’t invite authentic engagement or innovative collaboration.

  • Set up an iterative cycle of Strategic, Operational, and Culture Team Meetings
  • Implement a set of Liberating Meeting Agendas for Team and 1:1 Meetings
  • Take a more proactive approach when attending meetings to raise your voice

You’ll learn how to design and lead meetings to actively engage and empower people stimulating their ability to problem-solve, inquire into possibilities, and focus on strategic priorities.


Annual Calendar Series

Activate Strategic Systemic leadership across stakeholders and in your personal life. The predictable iteration of constructive engagement and time-out creates security and harmony.

  • How to generate momentum in stakeholder engagement
  • How to refine your strategic focus at the beginning and end of each week
  • Orchestrate a series of weekend breaks and holidays throughout the year

You’ll learn how to choreograph your life over multiple time horizons while keeping your focus on the present trusting the natural flow of desired future outcomes for all involved.


The Systemic Strategic Leader

Setting shared strategic direction and orchestrating time results in the development of Strategic Systemic Leadership that enables everyone to play from the same song sheet.

  • How time becomes elastic as we evolve through Vertical Perspectives
  • Be a Strategic Leader by extending your talents to realize your highest aspirations
  • Become a Systemic Leader by orchestrating work and choreographing time

You’ll complete this Program realizing that setting evolutionary aspirations and orchestrating time to discipline focus automates your mind to move confidently into the flow of emergence.

WHY a StageSHIFT Program?

The StageSHIFT approach to Vertical Leadership Development covers all four quadrants of our life experience: our inner and outer worlds as a holistic individual and as the systemic collective.

The EXPAND SPACE Program goes to the structure of our SYSTEM: the Exterior of the Collective. It focuses on STRATEGY & SYNCHRONY. By creating purposeful strategic alignment and orchestrating time, you'll develop a stronger Strategic and Systemic Leadership presence.

StageSHIFT takes a  3rd generation Transformative Coaching approach replete with deep inquiry and revelatory insights to accelerate growth to a complex Synergist Mindset within 1-2 years, 3 times faster than the usual 5-6 years, if ever.



Our RADAR Learning Architecture

The RADAR Learning Architecture offers a cyclical iterative cumulative approach to deepen your understanding of human experiences and apply that learning to yourself and others.

  • Review & Reflection of the online materials.
  • Attention & Awareness to deepen self-inquiry.
  • Discovery Dialogues to explore and integrate learning.
  • Assignments & Application to learn by doing.
  • Results & Revelation to appreciate our growth.

Evolve through Engagement, Exploration, and Enablement.

This 20-week Program includes:

  • The My World View Assessment, Report, and 1:1 Discovery Debrief
  • Est. 20-min Videos and 15pp of RADAR Notes for each of 12 Modules. These are drip-fed regularly throughout the Program.
  • A series of questions to invite deep personal inquiry.
  • 10 *90-min Immersive Group or Private Discovery Dialogues to deepen the inquiry and integrate the learning.
  • Assignments to apply the frameworks and techniques. You will learn by doing and feel the joy of growing self-confidence.
  • Thoughtful feedback and input on Assignments to expand your Strategic Systemic Leadership and realize your latent potential
  • Responsive Transformative Coaching on any situations, challenges, or dilemmas you encounter.

My World View Assessment

Sentence Completion Exercise

MWV introduces you to the concept of Vertical Development. After completing a series of sentence prompts, you'll receive an objective assessment of where you are on your evolutionary journey.

The Report offers you findings on:

  • Your Current Stage
  • Your Thinking Patterns
  • Your Individual Drivers
  • Working with Others
  • Fit with Organizational Culture, and
  • Time, Power, and Change Dynamics.

You'll receive your Report and a link to an online Video taking you through your Report 1-2-days after you complete the Exercise. Then we'll explore your evolutionary leadership development further with a 1:1 90-min Discovery Debrief.

Are you ready to ...

  • Set an aspirational Visionary Purpose that opens up the opportunity to have a much bigger impact in the world?
  • Articulate and activate a set of Evolutionary Values so you can uplift people engagement and the corporate culture?
  • Appreciate and activate your signature strengths, brand promise, business mission, and leadership talent to succeed beyond limits?
  • Create strategic alignment, team accountability, and organizational coherence to empower everyone to realize High Trust Team Performance?
  • Lead Strategic Innovation Cross-Boundary Initiatives to accelerate your development as a change leader with a Catalyst Mindset?
  • Master time and energy to shift from striving to thriving in the flow of emergence so that ideas and insights just come to you?
  • Allocate your time and discipline your mind so you can streamline the flow of work across the business and address strategic priorities with ease?
  • Discover how to take authentic charge of your time in a systemic way so you can move from feeling exhausted to exhilarated at the end of each day?
  • Understand how to design and lead liberating meetings that engage and empower people to problem-solve, inquire, and collaborate?
  • Learn how to choreograph your life over multiple time horizons while keeping your focus on the present so you can live a fuller freer life?  


This is a 20-Week Vertical Leadership Development Program.

  • The My World View Profile Assessment & 40p Report.
  • A 1:1 Discovery Debrief with your StageSHIFT Coach.
  • The creation of a unique 12-month Evolutionary Development Map.
  • 12 Online Modules to Cultivate the Self and Resolve Shadow.
  • 10 *90-min Immersive Group Discovery Dialogues or 5 *90-min Private Coaching Sessions.
  • Explicit customized feedback on Individual Assignments.
  • Responsive Transformative Coaching on any situations you face.


EXPAND SPACE to Move Into Flow

Single Payment Individual Program


Save €779 with a Single Payment


Payment Plan Individual Program


8 Monthly Payments


Single Payment Group Program


Save €379 with a Single Payment


Payment Plan Group Program


8 Monthly Payments


The My World View Assessment is a highly validated Sentence Completion Exercise to objectively assess where you are on your current evolutionary journey of Vertical Leadership Development.


Study the Online Modules at your own Pace, and Join our Live Group Discovery Dialogues at 8am CET or 5pm PST fortnightly to ask questions and share your implementation work so you can ensure that the StageSHIFT Frameworks are effectively implemented.


If you aren’t completely satisfied with the StageSHIFT Program, let us know within the first 14-days for a full refund less the Assessments purchased for you. No questions asked.

When I first met Antoinette, I was fatigued, stressed at work and not enjoying life. In the very first meeting, the underlying issues were exposed. She shed light on my life and revealed things that I simply had not seen or understood. Her positive, forward-looking approach made me feel optimistic.

Antoinette helped me work through changes in my organizational structure to enable me to focus on the higher strategic issues I enjoy. And most importantly, she addressed my whole-of-life progression, not just my work-life.

- CIO Emergency Services & Transport Sector

I took up coaching with Antoinette to become more strategic and confident. Her fast-paced approach mixing theory and practical advice was extremely helpful. She is a challenging and energetic coach who held me to account in the nicest possible way.

I always looked forward to our meetings because I knew that I would learn something new and useful. I now have a framework to approach strategic issues and many tools and techniques to draw on so I can hold my own in a senior executive environment. I would not have thought this possible a few years ago.

 - Group Executive Director HSE

Antoinette instigated a terrific collaboration with us by leading an invigorating 2-day Offsite for our new Executive Team to set our Strategic Direction and Leadership Culture.

She then designed and led a CONFIDENT Leaders Program that enabled the Top 75 leaders become more self-aware and develop the courageous authenticity and team accountability to lift our performance.

Her broad strategic perspective and deep insights stimulated a significant shift in our ability to build a thriving sustainable agricultural sector.

- Michael Bullen, Dpty Director General, Agriculture NSW

Related StageSHIFT Leadership Coaching Programs

COACHING CERTIFICATION: Vertical Transformative Leadership Coaching

Our effectiveness as Coaches depends on our complexity of mindset or level of consciousness. Discover how to expand your mindset and heartspace to uplift your coaching effectiveness. Develop your Holistic Self as a Coaching instrument and integrate systemic frameworks and techniques into your coaching practice so your clients can transform their self-identity and systemic context simultaneously. (12-months)


RESOLVE SHADOW: Track the Triggers, Traces, and Trails of Shadow to Heal the Self

Our emotions and words offer us an amazing signalling system to discover our inner shadow. StageSHIFT offers a proven approach to cultivate the inner self at the heart of our identity. By resolving and healing our egoic shadows, we can integrate our holistic self. Move from struggling and striving to thriving and flourishing. (12-weeks/6-months)


EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP: Become a more Visionary Inspiring Purposeful - VIP - Leader

This 12-month Program combines the four 12-week Programs. Our proven 8-Step sequence takes you on an evolutionary journey integrating your holistic self and systemic context. You'll accelerate the development of a Synergist Mindset and the capacity to transform your business model and generate culture change. (12-months)