Annual Executive Leadership Coaching Program

One-on-One EXECUTIVE COACHING is highly valuable for three key reasons:

  1. To get crystal clear on your professional and personal aspirations and unqiue leadership brand
  2. To get customised feedback on your frameworks and templates, business processes and services 
  3. To quickly resolve and release persistent personal blocks and obstacles that are holding you back.

Crystal Clear Clarity

Advancing your own leadership presence and profile in your world requires crystal clear clarity on your intentions and aspirations. This requires an excellent sense of the market context and a strategic integration of your experience, strengths, latent talents and personal sense of purpose and values.

Once you have this, you will find it amazingly easy to apply and implement the proven strategic frameworks and processes to activate your work in the world. Without clarity, you will be confused by the options you are still contemplating and will find decision-making much more challenging than it needs to be.

I have coached over 50 people in recent years, have assessed over 500 executives in terms of their capabiltiies and potential, have given career advice for most of my life and have a good sense of current trends and opportunities in the broader marketplace in the context of social and economic evolution.

I also have a sixth sense when it comes to understanding and appreciating a person's intrinsic purpose in life, and am also able to see into their latent leadership capacity and what makes them truly come alive. I sometimes also have new insights that I can share with you regarding emergent opportunities that lie ahead.

Strategic Perspective

To become a strategic visionary leader requires a series of strategic templates and processes that enable and empower full engagement with the people who make up your community of stakeholders.

You will also wish to become a moral compass for the people around you by aligning your thoughts and actions with the values and principles you believe in. 

I also offer you a really advanced approach to using time like a series of highways that diverts traffic to the appropriate lane at the right time. This has the effect of ensuring that you operate at the creative brain alpha wave frequency with the opportunity to double your productivity in a very short time.

By engaging in an individualised series of coaching meetings, you will be able to revitalise your business strategy and uplift your current operating frameworks to move forward at full speed! 

Resolution of Blocks

A third key element in Executive Coaching relates to our holistic leadership capacity. You may find that certain life experiences are repeating despite your efforts or that you feel held back in some way despite genuine commitment to your endeavours. You may be involved in interpersonal dynamics that seem to be thwarting you instead of encouraging and supporting you.

Sometimes it takes someone with a deeper and objective perspecitve to really appreciate the underlying dynamics and the ways in which you are subconsciously creating the life experiences you'd prefer to do without. I can help you decipher your reactive emotional patterns and resolve them at source.

This is an important dimension of my coaching practice. By clarifying, defusing and releasing your emotional trigger points or subconscious sabotaging patterns, you will be able to overcome obsolete habits of thinking and doing that no longer serve you.

Take Your Leadership Capacity to the Next Level

My clients make the quantum leap from being highly effective high performing divisional managers to becoming inspiring, authentic, strategic, visionary leaders in just one year!

Through the course of my PhD study in leadership transformation, I analysed the transcripts of hundreds of coaching conversations. After more than a year's thoughtful consideration and further research, I distilled seven proven steps you can take to establish your strategic context, and seven proven principles you can apply to develop your integrity and influence to become the highly respected and confident leader you were born to be.

This blended approach provides you with an upgrade to the operating system within which you work, and the operating system within your mind. Together they create swift breakthroughs that enable you to realize your amazing potential. My clients are generally surprised by how far they come in just a single year - beyond even their own aspirations!

The Seven Steps to Set Up Your Own Executive Strategic Operating System are:

1. Run Your Schedule with a Dynamic Diary Rhythm

2. Define the Scope with a Transformational Strategic Agenda

3. Set the Scene with a Major Milestones Roadmap

4. Create the Style with a Values-based Leadership Culture

5. Know the Score with Cascading Team Charters

6. Step up on Stage with a Compelling Signature Presentation

7. Leverage Scale with Orchestrated Stakeholder Engagement

The Seven Principles to Develop Your Own Holistic Energy Operating System are:

1. Msater Integrity with Courageous Caring Conversations

2. Master Influence with Positive Psychology Programming

3. Master Intention with Conscious Purposeful Mindfulness

4. Master Insight with Responsive Emotional Awareness

5. Master Inclusiveness with Respectful Kind Understanding

6. Master Integration with Resilient Personal Wellbeing

7. Master Inspiration with Intuitive Spiritual Guidance

All of the above will set you on the road to developing your inspiring, authentic, strategic, visionary leadership capacity at the most senior executive levels. 

About Antoinette

Antoinette has coached more than 65 senior executives over more than 2,500 hours (Master Certified Coach equivalent), occupied C-suite roles and is highly qualified with a PhD(c) in leadership transformation, an MBA from London Business School, MA in Management Research and LLB(Hons) | BA (Political Science).

Her testimonials show her to be an outstanding coach of the highest calibre, with an expansive strategic perspective and deep heart-centred commitment to enabling clients to realize their highest aspirations and enjoy a fulfilling sense of peace and wellbeing while generating transformational outcomes.

I look forward to collaborating with you and supporting and stretching you to realize your highest aspirations.

Antoinette Braks

The higher our self expression and the deeper our self awareness, the richer our life experience and the greater our soul evolution.