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Introduction to Vertical Holistic Leadership Development

Learn the essentials about your evolutionary development as a leader

This is an introductory program designed to explain and explore StageSHIFT's approach to holistic vertical leadership development in the context of your Hero's Journey.

Discover the Essentials of Vertical Evolution in the context of Your Hero's Journey

Become a Conscious Evolutionary

This Program will run again in February 2022

The Benefits and Learning Outcomes

This Program will enable you to understand the nature of the shift to later stages of psychological development. It provides you with an elegant map of the terrain so you will be more consciously aware of your own Hero's Journey and discover that you can shape your own destiny to later stages.

The Program is open to executive coaches, leadership development professionals, vertical consultants, senior executives, and everyone interested in consciously maturing in their own evolutionary journey.

It serves as an ideal Introduction to the StageSHIFT Executive Vertical Holistic Leadership Program and the StageSHIFT Coaching Certification Program, and before or after the 40-Day Life Renewal Program.

The Content and Modules of the Program

This is a 4-Module 8-week Program to learn about the history and nature of Vertical Development in relation to the Hero's Journey. You will gain an understanding of the systemic structural complexity underlying vertical development and the holistic StageSHIFT approach to conscious growth. By undertaking the Vertical Holistic Leadership Profile you will gain great insights into key aspects of your conscious and subconscious psychology.

There are four modules:

  1. The Hero's Journey in Vertical Development
  2. The 2-Step Square Dance in Vertical Development
  3. The Holistic Energy Operating System
  4. The Vertical Holistic Leadership Profile

More details on each module are set out below.

The Process and Schedule of the Program

The Program includes online videos, associated materials, peer-to-peer interactive sessions, and four live Discovery Dialogues with Dr Antoinette Braks to explore the questions and reflections that arise in each module

Each fortnight you will

  • Watch the Online Videos, read through the associated materials and explore the questions for reflection in your Workbook
  • Bring key questions and observations to actively participate in 120-min Discovery Dialogues held every two weeks 
  • Connect with 1-2 peers every other week to enjoy an interactive session and explore what you are each discovering

Between the 3rd and 4th Discovery Dialogues you'll be invited to undertake the Vertical Holistic Leadership Profile (VHLP) Self-Assessment.

Download an Outline of this Introductory Program

The 2-Step Square Dance

While the Stages of vertical  development are often thought of as a series of linear steps, there is actually significantly more complexity associated with vertical development. Learn about the Stages in the light of the dance: forwards, backwards, inwards, and outwards. 

The Self Operating System

StageSHIFT takes a unique approach correlating our human faculties with the stages of vertical development. Discover how our ego, heart, mind, spirit and soul interact to facilitate the evolution of the self through the energy fields in The Holistic Energy Operating System.

The VHLP Self-Assessment

The Vertical Holistic Leadership Profile is a sophisticated automated self-assessment instrument based on a 3D model of leadership capabilities integrating 6 role levels, 5 leads, 4 lines, and 3 limits (shadow elements) in a person's Vertical Holistic Development.

Meet Dr. Antoinette Braks

She is a Master Certified Coach, has a PhD in Developmental Psychology and Transformative Coaching, an MBA from London Business School, and is the author of Executive Coaching in Strategic Holistic Leadership: The Drivers and Dynamics of Vertical Development (McGraw Hill 2020). She received the CEO Today 2020 Management Consulting Award in Leadership Coaching.

"Antoinette's brilliant work creates an effective, practical and grounded approach focused on a pivotal arc in the developmental spectrum." ~ Terri O’Fallon

“[Braks shows us] how executive coaching can become a transformational dialogue: a holistic path that can humanise our world.” ~ Reinhard Stelter

Her PhD builds on a lifelong commitment to study following an Honours degree in Law, a BA in Political Science, a Dip.Intl.Mktg.(Hons), an MBA from London Business School, an MA in Management Research and the Professional Certificate of Advanced Study in Coaching Supervision at Oxford Brookes University.

After an early career in executive search and selection, Antoinette shifted to organisational development followed by leadership development. She flourished in global executive roles with Shell in Latin America and Africa, and with Korn Ferry across Asia Pacific. She also led People and Culture with Vector, New Zealand’s innovative energy infrastructure company, and inaugurated the Executive Coaching Division with Hudson Australia.

In recent years she has been leading vertical transformations for organisations while reflecting on research findings to distil the theory and principles behind the accelerated effectiveness of the StageSHIFT Leadership Development and Transformation Programs. This has led to an extensive and enriching StageSHIFT Coaching Certification Program. 

Antoinette’s purposeful intent is to architect and engineer shifts in consciousness to activate the intrinsic evolutionary capacity of leaders. We invite you to partner with us to respond to the challenges of our time, evolve to become a flourishing, sustainable organisation, and lead your stakeholders and communities to create a thriving ecosystem. In this way we will build a more sustainable, healthy, equitable, and joyful world for all. 

Email Antoinette

Take the first steps in a proven pathway in conscious vertical evolution

The Hero's Journey in Vertical Development

1.1 The Heroic Journey through the Vertical Spiral

We discover Vertical Development through Joseph Campbell's mythic Hero's Journey.

1.2 A Brief History of Vertical Development 

From Piaget and Maslow to understand the Means, Motives, Memes and Morals of Development.

1.3 The StageSHIFT Pathway, Process and Principles

Ken Wilber integrated many models of vertical development to provide us with the AQAL Map.

Discover the subtle intricacies and complexity of vertical holistic development

The 2-Step Square Dance through the Stages

2.1 The 2-Step Square Dance

To mature in each Person Perspective there are two steps that alternate across quadrants.

2.2 The Stages of Development

Discover the Strengths and Shadows of eight progressive Stages of vertical leadership development.

2.3 Shift from Achievist to Synergist

The proportion of executives shifting to Synergist is 1%/decade. Find out what it takes to make this shift.

Find out about StageSHIFT's innovative integrated approach to conscious growth

Navigate the Holistic Energy Operating System

3.1 The Human Faculties of Self-Expression

StageSHIFT correlates the purposeful integration of our human faculties with the stages of development.

3.2 The Energy Fields of Life Experience

As we shift our Centre of Gravity through integrated stages, our Life Experience also shifts.

3.3 The Spectrum StageSHIFT in Self-Awareness

The deeper our self-awareness, the richer our life experience, and the greater our soul evolution.

Take StageSHIFT's sophisticated automated vertical self-assessment

Take the Vertical Holistic Leadership Profile (VHLP)

4.1 Vertical Development in Organisations

Organisations cannot evolve beyond the leadership capacity of their most senior executive leaders.

4.2 The 3D VHLP Model of Development

Learn about the 6 Levels, 5 Leads, 4 Lines and 3 Limits of Vertical Holistic Leadership Development.

4.3 Review Your VHLP Profile Report

Examine and explore your Strengths, Stressors, Blind-Spots and Stretches for personal resonance.

I hope to see you on the Program soon!

Hi, I’m Dr Antoinette Braks. If you're not sure if it's right for you, please drop me an email.

Email Antoinette Braks

Your Investment

This Program introducing you to Vertical Holistic Leadership Development includes:

  • The four modules outlined above, each with three separate videos and materials.
  • Four fortnightly 2-hr Group Discovery Dialogues with Dr Antoinette Braks.
  • Four Peer interactive sessions arranged for you to explore what you are learning.
  • Your own Vertical Holistic Leadership Profile Self-Assessment and Report.
  • An Assignment to articulate your integration with feedback from Dr Braks.

To join the Program, please select one of the two payments options. 

You will receive a coupon to register for the VHLP Assessment later in the Program. This is included in the price.

Email Dr Antoinette Braks to find out more about our Program for your organisation.

Download an Outline of this Introductory Program

Karin Hamrin, Exec Coach

Antoinette is one of the most brilliant coaches I have ever experienced. Being both gentle and direct, intuitive and clear, she generously and courageously shares her wisdom and insights.

Antoinette, it's been a truly amazing experience, being guided and coached by you, in the spiritually connected space where you and I meet.

The StageSHIFT Coaching Certification Program is an incredibly rich program, bringing together frameworks and research that enables us to see vertical evolution in a new and holistic way.

The Discovery Dialogues with Antoinette are a wonderful opportunity to deepen the understanding and make this program not just another certification, but an essential part of your soul evolution.

Niklas Lindhardt, Exec Coach & Consultant

Antoinette, what a blessing that the fabric of life weaved your thread into my weave.

The StageShift program is the most comprehensive program I've ever seen, making the links between the most relevant frameworks within organisations, human development, psychology and life as a whole.

As always when delivered by the universe, your wonderful StageShift program came to us when we needed it. Refining our transforming leader programs in large industry, for even better results.

Thank you for openheartedly sharing your personal experience as well as the nuances of your soul. Two souls on a journey with the same purpose for the benefit of all. Thank you!

Jenny Hoffman, Exec Coach & Consultant

The StageSHIFT Coaching Certification Program is a beautifully designed journey illuminating the path for your own vertical evolution supported by powerful coaching from Antoinette.

The small group format provides a safe space to challenge yourself supported by a very generous amount of individual and group coaching to accelerate growth.

If you have a passion for realising individual and organisational evolution, then I highly recommend this program. It has accelerated both my own evolution and  the evolution of client organisations.

Thanks Antoinette! Your years of commitment to the growing field of vertical development is benefiting all those who share your passion.

Heather Monro, Exec Coach

Antoinette’s coaching approach is highly thought provoking, collaborative and uplifting.

She has challenged and supported me to articulate concepts and ideas that have been just beyond my reach.

I am already benefiting from more congruence with my evolutionary aspirations and clarity regarding my strategic direction.

The coaching is helping me to shape my coaching business so I can more effectively generate transformative change and liberate the energy of potential bound up in human hearts and souls.

I feel very excited and inspired to continue our coaching relationship. I would highly recommend Antoinette’s coaching services for aspirational leaders wanting to take their organisation to the next level.

Paul Smith, Exec Coach

I was absorbed by Antoinette's practical material and philosophy on vertical development. This led to  enrolment in her StageSHIFT Coaching Programme.

I feel and believe strongly that this is “the real deal” in executive leadership development. Not only is its peer-reviewed research platform impeccable, but in the degree of integrity and integration that pervades the whole approach. This is hard to convey without shared direct experience, as so many aspects are brought together here.

As a humble attempt, I would say that it is unrivalled in its blend of science and applied wisdom, inner work and outer application and in the extent of the inner more conscious self that evolves, expressed both in embodied leadership presence and its effects on others, leading directly into organisational culture shifts.

Marianne Borg Hyökki, Exec Coach

I saw Antoinette at an EMCC conference and was absolutely energised and inspired. She offered a free consultation and I jumped on that. During the Summer I moved the call a few times, and even thought I might cancel it. Luckily I did not!

This is not only a coach training, it is most of all a developmental program for myself, while I simultaneously learn about vertical development and how to support my coaching clients to grow and mature. I have learnt so much in this extremely generous program. The whole concept is firmly based in scientific research.

The videos, written material and the webinars are full of interesting stuff, which helps me think about myself, my thoughts, reactions and behaviour at the core of myself. Antoinette supports in a loving and peaceful way and challenges me to go deeper.

Jessica Löwenhielm, Exec Coach

I am blown away and mesmerised by the devotion and amount of knowledge, research, techniques and tools that Antoinette has put together!

Not only has she helped me to take my own coaching practice and our leadership development programs to a totally new level of impact,  she has also elevated my own consciousness stimulating, uplifting and freeing the mind, heart and soul. 

I will be forever grateful for Antoinette helping me to fully understand and grasp the vastness, importance and grandness of vertical development, yet making it easy to start implementing, infusing and transforming my own work and its impact on my clients. 

Without her firm, generous, friendly, thought-provoking, heart-opening and soul-freeing guidance, I wouldn’t be where I am today: totally on purpose with a big mind, open heart and free soul for inner bliss and the greater good. I feel honoured to be taught by her, proud to call her a colleague and grateful to have her in my life and work.

Antoinette is the most aspirational, knowledgeable and loving leader I have come across. She is the go-to thought leader, mentor and guide in the field of vertical development. Catch her and her program if you can - it might be the most uplifting and expediting decision of your life time.

Corinna Kingston, Exec Coach

I first heard Antoinette speak at an EMCC conference and was immediately captured by her insights on vertical leadership development and her own StageSHIFT model, so when the opportunity arose to train with her I didn't have to think about it twice!

As a coach myself, I've found Antoinette's teachings and methodology offers a very timely and practical approach to being of optimal service when working with leaders into today's fast paced, disruptive and very volatile environment.

Her valuable process offers both an introspective approach to our own coaching practices whilst simultaneously developing our intervention skills, through a mixture of transformative coaching, organisational development techniques and so much more, to enable leaders to learn how to pivot in their leadership and show up in a manner that is far more impactful creating a ripple effect that cascades the organisation!

Antoinette's deep knowledge, practical expertise and utter passion for her subject is awe-inspiring. She has clearly dedicated herself to sharing her aspirational vision with the world through her life changing work and I feel privileged to be a small part of that journey. From the perspective of a business leader or executive, I would have no hesitation in recommending Antoinette's exemplary work.

Sharifah Raudhah AlQudsy, Executive Coach

I was preparing myself to be the solid holding space for CEOs and strategic leaders to expand their leadership and knew I needed to do specialised inner work with someone who is very established at a mature stage of consciousness. Serendipity works its magic and Dr Antoinette Braks appeared.

I quickly saw that her extensive practice and the depth of her research was the approach that would equip me to be become whole as a Transformative Coach and Enterprise Evolution Consultant.

Throughout our frequent engagement in our fortnightly discovery dialogues, Antoinette presents her authenticity, and her highly generous and caring spirit. She weaves her expertise in Vertical Development and Enterprise Evolution with ease and grace.

Her pragmatism, expansive vision and beautiful resonance shines through the framework she has developed to bring about deep consciousness to the mature 4th person perspective, while having reverence for all the previous 1st, 2nd and 3rd as well as 5th person perspectives.

I notice that I bring more rigour, courage and crystal-clear intent to my coaching practice in recent months and I can only credit Dr Antoinette’s brilliant guidance for this subtle integrated shift.

Complimentary Chapters 1 and 2 from Executive Coaching in Strategic Holistic Leadership by Dr Antoinette Braks

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