Posts on Our Evolution 

StageSHIFT partners with executive leaders to inspire and accelerate a quantum vertical shift in conscious leadership capacity and effectiveness, embracing the opportunity in systemic complexity and rising volatility to co-create more sustainable, healthy, and equitable business ecosystems where everyone and all of life flourishes as a community.

What is an Inspiring Strategic Transformational Leader at "Strategist"?

leadership development; executive coaching; vertical learning Dec 04, 2015

An inspiring, strategic, transformational leader is a Senior Executive who takes responsibility for creating a better world. Through their personal presence, self-expression, awareness of others, and their strong commitment and dedication to their cause, they uplift and empower others.

He or she is calm and composed, trusts their people to make the important decisions that they are closest to, and engages stakeholders widely to explore the terrain for strategic decision-making before proposals are crafted and well before any determinations or commitments are made. They are collaborative, innovative leaders.

They are focused on broader community outcomes in addition to creating value for their customers, mindful of sustainability as well as safety. They are concerned with the future implications of their work: products, services, operations and relationships, seeking to increase the wellbeing of all the people they touch, even at a distance.

They are aware of the systemic dynamics around wicked problems and realize the critical importance of exploring underlying currents, intergenerational issues and the deep needs people have to find security and meaning in their lives. By embarking on a voyage of understanding, they have faith that emergent solutions will appear.

They are also extremely aware of the wellbeing and growth of all people. Values are embodied as well as espoused, contributions are recognized and great performances are celebrated. They focus on creating stretch zones around all contributors so that everyone is enlivened by their personal learning journeys. Like the conductor of a world-class orchestra, they are able to generate a tremendous performance!


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