Posts on Our Evolution 

StageSHIFT partners with executive leaders to inspire and accelerate a quantum vertical shift in conscious leadership capacity and effectiveness, embracing the opportunity in systemic complexity and rising volatility to co-create more sustainable, healthy, and equitable business ecosystems where everyone and all of life flourishes as a community.

From Work to Play, Grow to Flow, Calm to Care and Free to Love

leadership development stage leadership Dec 06, 2015

From Work to Play, Conformist to Specialist

  1. Focusing on your strengths
  2. Practicing your craft diligently
  3. Choosing to do your very best
  4. Continuously improving processes
  5. Observing reactive egoic patterns

From Play to Grow, Specialist to Achiever

  1. Focusing on creating value for customers
  2. Setting priorities and saying “No” judiciously
  3. Letting go of your inner personal critic
  4. Actively investing in working together with others
  5. Using your initiative to achieve better results

From Grow to Flow, Achiever to Catalyst

  1. Exercising courage to live up to your own higher values
  2. Healing repetitive emotional patterns
  3. Setting clear intentions to realize your aspirations
  4. Listening within to discover the best way
  5. Understanding and collaborating with others

From Flow to Calm, Catalyst to Strategist

  1. Living based on eternal universal principles
  2. Standing on higher ground and demanding others do the same
  3. Managing and navigating boundaries scrupulously
  4. Seeing and resolving the subtle power dynamics at play
  5. Focusing on generating sustainable community outcomes

From Calm to Care, Strategist to Alchemist

  1. Seeing the humorous side of things, mocking others
  2. Kindly and generously stating the absurd for what it is
  3. Liberating yourself from all concerns while expressing reverent care
  4. Living fully in the paradoxes that life events present
  5. Exploring the intermix of social, political, economic and environmental challenges

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